In 1974, UNESCO adopted "Recommendations concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace", which included the statement that "Education should stress the in admissibility of recourse to war for purposes of expansion, aggression and domination, and bring every person to understand and assume his or her responsibilities for the maintenance of peace". The MENC's placement of such a strong focus on the national anthem offended some in the profession who felt that, at a time of heightened political sensitivity, the organization was portraying support for philosophical and political beliefs that were not held by all of its members. The arguments posted on MENC's National Anthem Project message board echo voices of wider political discussion in the United States today, bringing out what Craige identifies as tensions between political holism and political dualism. Estelle Jorgensen notes that education in the United States reflects the tensions of a democratic society, remaining decentralized and eclectic in methodology and curriculum.