This chapter concentrates on identifying deficiencies in the hope of contributing to the development of an effective, multilateral effort to achieve a peaceful end to North Korea's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs. Ja Song-Nam alleges that the SPT revealed that the United States' true intention is to disarm North Korea of its nuclear deterrence, not to de-nuclearize the Korean Peninsula. China is aware of and sensitive to Pyongyang's internal politics. Prime Minister Koizumi even went to Pyongyang in September 2002 to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il with the goal of resolving the Japanese abduction issue. The US Democratic Administration of President Truman originally applied a policy of containment to North Korea after it attacked South Korea in June 1950. A fundamental aspect of both containment and engagement is the continuation of deterrence, the US Cold War military strategy for dealing with its adversaries. But the Cold War persists in Northeast Asia.