Lines of (musical) development Present day right-wing music in Germany (generically called ‘rechtsrock’) is often associated with skinhead culture. This association between contemporary right-wing music and skinhead culture is partly true, so it is a good starting point for following the lines of musical development of contemporary right-wing German music. However, tracing this development will show that right-wing ideas are pervasive through a far broader range of musical styles and subcultures today than the predominant association with skinheads would suggest. On the one hand, this broad presence of right-wing music is a cause for concern, especially as much right-wing content is subtler – though none the less worrying – than the clear stereotype of the skinhead might suggest. On the other hand, although the right-wing music scene can quite easily access teenagers, young people who may be listening to music (in different genres) with right-wing content does not mean they will be ideologically radicalized.