This chapter briefly analyses the relationship between the process of the social construction of reality and human mortality. Cognitive sciences consider, a bit like going on Natural Aristotelian man, the human being and all its manifestations and features to be, precisely, natural phenomena. The success of this type of explanation allowed the Neuronal man paradigm to become an 'exemplary model' for many other disciplines. The human and social sciences did not study the human being in general, although, time after time, they studied a highly determined part of humanity: social facts, cultures, the evolution of societies, conscious functions, unconscious functions and language. Clearly, depending on the different ages and social groups, even very different strategies have been implemented to protect the order painstakingly built by humans: chaos, the overwhelming metaphor for death, has been kept under control, for millennia, from polymorphic immortality mythologies based, precisely, on the belief of a life after death.