This chapter explores how the commercialization of bodies, sex and sexualities that is widely present in late modern societies interlinks with the sex trade. It discusses how sex industries relate to the current consumption culture of everyday life, including work life. The chapter explains the concept of McSexualization to discuss the 'relational rationality' in the industrialized and globalized sex markets and the impact of the developments. The sex trade is estimated to be a third rapidly expanding grey zone business area in the world, after the illegal drug and weapon sales. The chapter talks about the developments that are framed through the concept of McSexualization, which refers to the mainstreaming and industrialization of sex as business including and interlinking with commercialization of bodies, sex and sexualities as a part of globalizing western consumer culture. The gendered inequalities of the roots, realities and implications of McSexualization require re-analysis, and critical discussion and revision of policies and practices.