In his address to the Bioneers conference of April 2007, Paul Hawkin held a rapt audience as a list of tens of thousands of organizations scrolled up at speed on the screen behind him, until they seemed to fuse into one stream of bright, white light:

It is my belief that we are part of a movement that is greater and deeper and broader than we ourselves know, or can know. It flies under the radar of the media, by and large. It is non violent, it is grassroots; it has no cluster bombs, no armies and no helicopters. It has no central ideology. A male vertebra is not in charge. This unnamed movement is the most diverse movement the world has ever seen. The very word movement, I think, is too small to describe it. No one started this worldview, no one is in charge of it, there is no orthodoxy … It is global, classless, unquenchable and tireless. The shared understanding is arising spontaneously from different economic sectors, cultures, regions and cohorts; it is growing and spreading worldwide with no exception. It has many roots, but primarily the origins are indigenous culture, the environment and social justice movements. Those three sectors and their sub sectors are intertwining, morphing, enlarging … it is marked by kinship and community and symbiosis … it’s the earth talking back, waking up … (Paul Hawkin, April 2007) 1