The principles of Human Ecology that follow have built up in the authors mind not just systematically, but just as importantly, impressionistically, poetically. The history of Human Ecology within academe has mostly been one of small but inspirational centres run by individuals or tiny groups of people. Human Ecology in its widest sense therefore looks at the cosmologically sustained planet as the "household" in which we live. The Centre for Human Ecology (CHE) had been founded in 1972, initially as The School of the Man-Made Future. It was set up by futures thinkers led by C. H. Waddington, an eminent English geneticist from a Quaker family background who was a founding member of the Club of Rome. The CHE has not been alone amongst institutes for Human Ecology in its struggle to honour life. Human Ecology is generally safe enough when it sticks to Population, Resources, Environment and Development (PRED) and serves as little more than human geography.