This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book gathers adapted and expanded versions of contributed papers that were originally presented at an international colloquium and exhibition in February 2011, held at The Collection in association with the Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design at the University of Lincoln. It covers diverse topics across a variety of methodological approaches in research, which include art theory, architectural humanities, philosophical discourse, along with reflections on curatorial practices and pedagogical analyses. Christine Turner considers the sketchbook as a reflective journal that can serve research within higher education settings. Catalina Mejia Moreno entangles reflections on the sketchbook with her own embodiment, specifically by way of grasping her own body and its wounds as 'a site' for writing and drawing. The book deals with curatorial issues that surround a show in Karachi that surveyed the drawing practices of twenty-two Pakistani artists.