This chapter covers some Mongol shaman's active in settlements in the grassland of northeastern Inner Mongolia. It introduces the main points of a story a Barga male shaman. In this, the shaman appears to have become the victim of violence in a twofold sense. One of which is violence due to political circumstances. Secondly, there is violence caused by a spiritual agency, his ancestral spirits. However, a shaman can not only be a victim of violence, but also become the instigator and agent of violence. The chapter shows and discusses these two aspects of violence as they relate to a shaman. The story of the Barga shaman and reveals, political violence may be cruel or even disastrous, but there is another kind of violence shamans face whose real nature is often difficult to recognise. The degree of violence the shaman needs to apply in order to guarantee the spirit's proper leaving is a matter of the spirit's degree of resistance.