The doctrine of the Christian's union with Christ in the soteriology of John Calvin has been the subject of considerable study. In the Elizabethan Church, the Christian's union with Christ' or divine participation' figures prominently in the soteriological discussions of Richard Hooker and Lancelot Andrewes, which have been thoroughly examined. Another major Elizabethan divine who ascribes priority to the Christian's union with Christ in his doctrine of salvation is Bishop John Jewel of Salisbury. Jewel goes on to emphasize the necessity of good works as evidence of genuine faith. The divine initiative of Incarnation hence provides the fundamental basis for active human participation in the spiritual union. Jewel gives an extensive excursus on the biblical concept of putting on'. In so admonishing his readers to put on the Lord Jesus Christ', Paul, Jewel observes, meaneth, we must be wholly clad and possessed with Christ'.