This chapter proposes a methodology for locating central, influential wine blogs and studies these blogs' content. Snowball sampling is used starting from the Top 100 Wine Blogs of "The Wine Blog Search Engine", to locate the blogs. Blogs along with their incoming links are recorded. Wine has been a European product for many centuries. France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary are the most important wine producers. Nowadays, more than three-quarters of the volume of world wine production, consumption and trade involves Europe. The European Union (EU 27) occupies a leading position on the world wine market, produces 60.0 per cent of wine and accounts for 55.4 per cent of wine imports and 72.8 per cent of exports. Regarding worldwide consumption of wine from the beginning of the 1980s to the mid-1990s, world wine consumption lagged.