Kallimakhos brought two separate prosecutions. This first prosecution was dropped, after the speaker blocked it by diamartyria; but subsequently Kallimakhos brought a fresh prosecution on the same charge. This second prosecution is the one which the speaker attempted to block by paragraphe, for which the surviving speech was composed. If Against Kallimakhos, the earliest paragraphe speech, is not earlier than 400/399, it follows that Against Pankleon, is not earlier than 400/399 either. But this in turn has significance for the date of the institution of public arbitration. The current view is that public arbitration was instituted between 403 and 400, and that Against Pankleon was composed before, not after, this innovation was made. So Against Pankleon belongs to very short period in between the institution of the Forty and the institution of the public arbitrators. Public arbitrators, like other officials, held office for one year, and the system will have begun to operate at the beginning of a new year.