This chapter focuses on free/libber open source software (FLOSS) adoption by public administrations (PAs) located in Emilia-Romagna. It a well-developed Italian region that has adopted an information society plan since 1999, and is characterised by strong commitments towards e-government investments. It relies on a strong tradition of efficient and innovative public administrations and has collaborations with several universities present on the territory. The chapter argues that both information and communications technology (ICT) supply and demand must be favoured by economic policies as a prerequisite for productivity growth and, as a consequence, for economic growth. The availability of (ICT) and the intensity of its adoption must be encouraged as the most important strategic factor, favouring both human capital investment and competitiveness. The free/libre open source software (FLOSS) is a phenomenon that has received an increasing importance in recent years. Its diffusion and reliability have improved at an outstanding pace both at the public and private level.