This chapter discusses the evolutions in the region and then embarks on an analysis of how improved infrastructure helps farmers cultivate more rewarding crops, and perhaps farm more sustainably. It introduces some spatial elements of the region of study and presents some demographics. It describes the model and the data collection. The chapter gives some estimates of what the effects would be of changes in distance to the market and in population density. A more accessible market provides households with more opportunities to grow other, more commercial, crops or to undertake other profitable activities. Boukombé is located in the north-west of Benin at a distance of 582 km from Cotonou, the major city of Benin. It is situated at 43 km from Natitingou, the headquarters of the department of Atacora. As in any hilly region, settlement in Boukombé is highly dispersed due to the rugged topography and the implied transport problems.