This chapter discusses the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) using a meta-management approach that explicitly addresses the need to focus on the whole organization. It also discusses various elements of meta-management, including sensemaking of the organization, implementation of CSR, monitoring and continual improvement, and CSR reporting. The elements of CSR meta-management find support from the literature. The chapter examines 'sensemaking' in terms of an environment understanding process, and a CSR-implementation essential. Literature also provides support for other CSR meta-management elements, including stakeholder-oriented business management, strategic management of CSR, organization-wide integration, and continual improvement. The chapter explores the basic structure of a meta-management approach, and its possible application to CSR essentials. It provides the theoretical underpinning for the CSR meta-management model. The chapter elaborates the organization-wide integration of CSR through a meta-management approach.