The Sixt, and of Creation last [day] arose With Evening Harps and Mattin, when God said, Let th'Earth bring forth Soul living in her kinde, Cattel and Creeping things, and Beast of the Earth, Each in their kinde. The Earth obey'd, and strait Op'ning her fertile Woomb teem'd at a Birth Innumerous living Creatures, perfet formes, Limb'd and full grown … The grassie Clods now Calv'd, now half appeer'd The Tawnie Lion, pawing to get free His hinder parts, then springs as broke from Bonds, And Rampant shakes his Brinded main; the Ounce, The Libbard, and the Tyger, as the Moale Rising, the crumbl'd Earth above them threw In Hillocks; the swift Stag from under ground Bore up his branching head: scarse from his mould Behemoth biggest born of Earth upheav'd His vastness: Fleec't the Flocks and bleating rose, As Plants. 1