Michael’s first wife Thekla was daughter of Bardanes the Turk, one of the leading Armenians of the beginning of the ninth century. 1 His surname was probably due to a Khazar descent through his mother’s line. 2 Through his father’s line he could have had Mamikonian origins, as Settipani suggests, but this is conjectural, for the name is quite frequent at the time 3 and also appears in other Armenian families. 4 Anyway, Bardanes could have been descended from a princely family and have rallied around him much support when he claimed the throne in 803. 5 As Settipani convincingly argues, Leo’s father Bardas married the sister of Bardanes the Turk. 6 This marriage seems to have cemented an alliance between the two families and fostered the career of Leo, who began his military training under Bardanes’ command.