Environmental degradation is not experienced by all populations equally; hazardous and

toxic waste sites, resource contamination (e.g., exposure to pesticides), air pollution, and

numerous other forms of environmental degradation disproportionately affect low income

and minority communities. The communities most affected by environmental injustices are

often the same communities where social workers are entrenched in service provision at the

individual, family, and community level. In this article, we use a global social work

paradigm to describe practical ways in which environmental justice content can be infused

in the training and education of social workers across contexts in order to prepare

professionals with the skills to respond to ever-increasing global environmental degradation.

We discuss ways for social work educators to integrate and frame environmental concerns

and their consequences for vulnerable populations using existing social work models and

perspectives to improve the social work profession’s ability to respond to environmental

injustices. There are significant social work implications; social workers need to adapt and

respond to contexts that shape our practice, including environmental concerns that impact

the vulnerable and oppressed populations that we serve.