This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book presents that what results is an institution that, through history, exercised the functions of market-maker, macro-strategist, and venture capitalist in chief and creative-destruction manager. It addresses the same issue, the paradoxical nature of Schumpeter’s work, but does it on a much bigger scale than Burlamaqui. The book argues that the Schumpeterian account that builds on insights spelt out in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy provides the best explanation for this global green shift and its Chinese driver. It discusses weak judgement and the dilemmas of contemporary Schumpeterian democrats’, is devoted to discussing contemporary implications of Schumpeter’s mature theory of democracy as it is exposed in CSD. The book concludes the chapter sustaining that, essentially, greening is a massive process of creative destruction – a destruction of the entire fossil-fuel industrial order and its supersession by an alternative energy and resources order based on renewable inputs.