During the past 25 years, Russian historical scholarship has gone through serious changes in methodology. Scholars in the Russian Empire were keen to make contacts with the famous activists of the national revival in Bohemia: afrk, Dobrovsk, and others. One subjects the confrontation between the Polabian Baltic Slavs and their Carolingian and later Saxon neighbours came to be the centre of interest of Alexander Hilferding, a Russian scholar of German background who belonged to the Slavophile group. During the post-Soviet period, the comparative approach became very popular in Russia. However enforced and restricted, in the post-war decades Russian historians established contacts with their colleagues in the neighbouring countries of the region more than ever before. This was possible due to commissions created for the study of the countries for the region, where scholars could cooperate. RussianCzech, RussianHungarian and RussianSerbian.