This chapter focuses on the notion of internal dialogue as a crucial resource, which is used by individuals in order to understand their need to belong to places and people. It builds around interview excerpts from three young women: the child of a labour migrant, who represents, cites and engages with the wider dialogue of the return of the labour migrant; an 'exile' story, where a young woman frames her dialogue of return as an exile in her own homeland; and a 'cosmopolitan', and includes other narrative voices in shorter illustrative extracts. The chapter aims to understand return experiences as a dialogic exchange – continuous interaction with one another's thoughts and a speaker's orientation towards active understanding. It analyses the modalities of individual temperament-related psychosocial needs of belonging in a broader context of corporeality in time and space. The chapter also focuses on 12 narrative interviews with adolescents and young people with various experiences of return to Latvia.