Frantz Fanon's Les Damnés de la terre is the only one of Fanon's books to have been translated into Swahili, and it is among a handful of foreign-language texts to have more than one translated version in the Swahili language, in this case two. By the time the Swahili translations of Fanon were released, Fanon's ideas were already circulating widely in East Africa, especially through The Wretched of the Earth, Constance Farrington's English translation of Les Damnés de la terre, and to a lesser extent through Black Skin, White Masks, Charles Lam Markmann's translation of Peau noire, masques blancs. From The Wretched of the Earth, the chapter entitled 'Concerning Violence' may have had the greatest significance in East Africa in view of the region's experience of violent anti-colonial movements, the Maji Maji war against German colonialism in Tanganyika and the Mau Mau war against British colonialism in Kenya.