In this chapter, the author shares the social media post reflected in the vignette to saliently convey his approach toward antiracist education using a more creative take on writing. The vignette also articulates his positionality as a Queer Chicano, a hybridity of identities that not only occupies the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality, but is also situated in what Anzaldua identifies as Nepantla – living in the "in between". Without living in between, or in other words, as a Nepantlero, he doubts his strategies for antiracist teacher education would manifest itself in the way he has espoused in the classroom. The author wrote the social media post after an enriching day of teaching, having come across various serendipitous moments when his Queer Chicano educator identity aligned with the particular needs of each situation. His words further cemented his unapologetic commitment toward extending the dialogue of racial justice education to be inclusive of queer identities.