Each of the specialty courts share a similar goal in providing a more therapeutic, rather than a punitive, approach to handling individuals' cases; however, they each have their own unique aspects as well. The chapter examines three unique problem-solving courts: drug courts, mental health courts, and veterans' treatment courts. It presents the need for individualized treatment for the offenders of the specific court, a brief history of the development of the specific court, and reviews the research surrounding the effectiveness of each court. Veterans' treatment courts typically target offenders convicted of felony and misdemeanor nonviolent crimes but for which the underlying cause of their criminal behavior is drug use or mental health problems. However, the public, medical, and academic communities are paying closer attention to veterans' postdeployment needs. Offenders who partake in community courts can be required to participate in restorative justice programs, community service, and/or individualized social services, such as drug and mental health treatment.