This chapter highlights the special needs and requirements for the development of urban and peri-urban forestry (UPF) in developing countries. It identifies specific governance approaches to optimize the contribution of urban and peri-urban forests to improved livelihoods, human health and well-being. By providing ecosystem services, goods, and public benefits in and around urban settlements, well-managed urban and peri-urban forests can help respond to the needs and challenges posed by an increasing urban population. To illustrate these benefits, the ecosystem services framework is used in the chapter. This framework divides services into provisioning, supporting, regulating and cultural. When properly planned and managed, urban and peri-urban forests can play an important role in providing food, water, wood, medicines, raw materials, and energy to cities. Urban and peri-urban forests also contribute to social equity, can promote a sense of community among dwellers, and ensure the preservation of local spiritual and cultural values essential to place making.