This chapter offers a research agenda, identifies strategies which are needed to overcome barriers to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) representation in Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) ageing research and barriers to BAME representation in LGBT ageing research. BAME staff in UK academia has self-reported 'experiences of invisibility, isolation, marginalisation and racial discrimination' in higher education. The chapter examines UK research on BAME ageing and LGBT ageing respectively, and considers what insights may be drawn from both in relation to older BAME LGBT people. BAME older people are likely to be increasingly part of rural populations and may be at heightened risk of isolation and loneliness both as older people in rural areas and as BAME older people in rural areas. The chapter outlines the considerable gaps in knowledge about BAME LGBT ageing, particularly in the UK. Care services are considered to lack competence in recognising and supporting cultural and ethnic diversity, especially intersecting diversities.