Developmentally we know that positive touch is essential for the emotional and psychophysical health of children. There is also a growing body of evidence that lack of positive touch in the early years has lasting effects on the ability of adults to maintain good physical health. The child-to-child massage movement in primary schools fills this void by teaching children simple positive touch routines in a safe and structured context. All teachers and practitioners are required to attend a one-day practitioner training course that is also open to parents, and school administrators. The AC2C program is a five-minute, interactive, positive-touch activity between children that involves simple massage strokes first practiced and performed on the hand, then the back, head, and shoulders, in teacher-directed routines. Positive touch in the classroom naturally releases oxytocin, which promotes calmness, interpersonal empathy, and trust. Instead of focusing on virtual relationships, peer massage in elementary schools helps children learn how to master real-life interpersonal skills and communication.