This chapter describes basic scheme for planning and evaluating neuropsychological treatment as proposed by Wilson, Herbert and Shiel is presented. In addition, different forms of treatment evidence in general are discussed from single case studies to group designs and ultimately the randomised controlled trial (RCT). Special attention is being given to single case experimental design (SCED), which offers valuable alternative when it is possible to conduct large-scale group studies. Quality standards for reporting the results of RCTs and SCEDs are discussed. Application of general information on evidence-based medicine (EBM) to neuropsychological rehabilitation in particular is done for every topic and illustrated with examples. EBM is 'an approach to caring for patients that involve the explicit and judicious use of the clinical research literature combined with an understanding of pathophysiology, clinical experience, and patient preferences to aid in clinical decision making'. Although EBM was designed in the field of medicine, the principles and practice can easily be applied to neuropsychological rehabilitation.