This chapter describes 'family' is used to refer to the network of close others with whom the person with acquired brain injury (ABI) lived or was most closely associated. A neuropsychometric evaluation will describe the profile of strengths and weaknesses in overall intelligence, attention, memory, language and visuospatial abilities, as well as executive and higher-order cognitive abilities. The goal for most individuals applying for neuropsychological rehabilitation services is a return to full participation in family and community life. A comprehensive assessment details all potential personal and environmental resources that may contribute to and barriers that may interfere with the pursuit of this overarching goal. The term neuropsychometric is used to distinguish the quantitative measurement portion of a neuropsychological evaluation from other aspects of that evaluation. Self-awareness is also often impaired as a result of severe ABI. In cases of severely impaired self-awareness, the participant may not be able to recognise the impairments that have resulted from the ABI.