With the discovery of new source materials, and owing to the rapidly evolving nature of Manichaean studies, there is little about Manichaeism that is not subject to some degree of controversy, and even some of the most agreed-upon points are at times subject to quite subtle qualifications. Within the context of what has come to be known as 'Manichaeism', the nature of 'evil' and its relation to 'good' is more than simply one feature among others; it is, in fact, the central concern that lies at the heart of the Manichaean account of the human condition. There is a similar issue with respect to Manichaeism's relation to 'Gnosticism'. There is increasing controversy surrounding the category of Gnosticism in general, but, even allowing for such a rubric, there are reasons to be cautious about viewing Manichaeism as a form of Gnosticism.