This chapter focuses on the revisal of imbalance in the huge 'small' and formation 'collapse' studies. For different reasons, many archaeologists also choose to work on the mega'; preferring examination of increase' and formation' over analysis of decline' and collapse'. As might be expected, collapse' was rather typical for culture history approach, while decline' was the case in studies focused on the environment. Collapse' of the Trypillia as the result of invasion by the Steppe populations was assumed as early as the 1930s and later summarized in Passek's idea regarding the kurgans on Trypillia sites representing the conquest of this territory by the Yamnaya culture populations. He stated the decline of the Trypillia proto-cities as a fact, but did not explain the reasons for it; most probably following the Krut's idea of ecological crises caused by human impact on the local environment. It is still difficult to explain the further decline of the giant-settlements of this group.