The international project at Nebelivka included three field seasons, funded by grants obtained by Prof. John Chapman. The Institute of Archaeology of National Academy of Sciences, NAS Ukraine, for its part, has provided researchers, obtained the necessary permits for excavations, organized the storage of finds and worked with them, and worked on the field reports. They represent three kinds of anomalies shown on the plan of Nebelivka: burnt houses, probable houses', and mega-structures'. The second and the third groups of features at Trypillia sites were excavated here for the first time. This layer is also visible as geomagnetic anomalies around the explored house and many other burnt houses at Nebelivka. The area of the Nebelivka mega-structure included elements usual for ancient temples: sacred places for sacrifice, an open-air yard enclosed on all sides in front of the entrance from the East, rooms for storage and ceremonies for some people on the first floor, a small living room for personnel.