The main goals of the inquiry are two-fold regarding precise chronology and demography. Since the discovery of the huge dimensions of Trypillia BII/CI mega-sites, estimations about their population size have mainly resulted magnitudes which are as extraordinary for European prehistory as the dimensions of the sites themselves. The reconstruction of the overall population density in the Southern Buh and Dnipro Interfluve, the question of the contemporaneity, or alternatively a sequential appearance, of mega-sites is very important. In many views, the mega-sites NebelivkaDobrovodyTaljankyMaidanetske are described as a chronological sequence of about 15,000 people, moving after about fifty years from one site to the next, at a distance of about 20 km. The context analyses of the radiometric dates showed that only fourteen dates are termini ad quem, which are associated with the use of the houses or the pits. The arguments for different views of Trypillia demography were manifold, but still restricted because of the lack of reliable scientific dating.