I would like to begin by providing a summary of the current state of the discussion on race in Cuba. To that end, in this essay I will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) From the triumph of the Revolution in 1959 until today, what elements must be considered in order to evaluate the impact of policies intended to eradicate racial discrimination? (2) What are the main achievements and shortcomings in the implementation of those policies? (3) What are the national and international objective and subjective factors that have a bearing on the development of racial problems in Cuba, specifically regarding the population of African origin? (4) What are the different perceptions among various segments of the Cuban population? (5) How are the extant problems of racial discrimination in Cuba being confronted? Although I pose questions intended to provide a clear focus on this complex problem, this analysis of racial issues and discrimination based on skin color is not definitive. Its initial approaches are centered on methodological aspects—the criteria to evaluate policies and an analysis of objectives, achievements, and shortcomings—with the aim of providing an objective interpretation.