This chapter draws a map of media policy in Tunisia, in which to place analysis of Harakat Ennahdha and how the party uses media in relation particularly to stakes and themes such as women, nationality, Islam and the Arabic language. It seeks to provide an interpretation of the ways in which the party and supporters have used social media to disassemble and give their own vision of being Tunisian, as well as how they bring to the foreground the identity issues at work in Tunisian society. The party's search for consensus, the fact that it keeps reiterating that there is freedom of choice for individuals, as well as its insistence on women's freedom and autonomy, make it a modern player and let it participate in political actions. The modern identity is incessantly superimposed onto a reference; or rather a series of references Quran, religion, and salaf while no thought is given to the problematizing of the modern and Muslim dyad.