This chapter focuses on cultural sociological approach to elucidate what structures and principles underlie the existence and dynamics of an exhibition circuit composed of film festivals. It draws on Bourdieu and festival scholars' uses of his work to elucidate how such theoretical frames can further our understanding of film festivals. The chapter explores Bourdieu's concepts of field, capital, and habitus to shed light on the foundation and dynamics of film festivals as particular exhibition sites. The concept of habitus encompasses the way socialized norms influence individuals' behavior and thinking. Film festivals come in many sizes and shapes, and they address different stakeholders on the basis of different priorities. Bourdieu distinguished between different "fields" in society, such as the political, juridical, economic, religious, scientific, and cultural fields, which share invariant properties. Film festivals were established in response to Hollywood's domination of European cinemas, and where their commitment to foster film as art originates.