Many of the contributors have painted a grim picture of the various ways victims of cybercrimes are suffering, and the multiple ways law is failing to assist. Continued awareness-raising is essential for bringing attention to the plight of victims in online spaces. States should both criminalise the production and distribution of nonconsensual pornography and give victims of it reasonable civil remedies against their victimisers. This chapter outlines a non-legislative approach which shifts the focus away from the slow-moving mechanisms and blunt instrumentality of the criminal justice system, and towards a focus on – among other strategies – designing technology in a way that 'nudges' people towards better behaviour online. It considers two groups of theories from political philosophy and ethics of technology regarding how to effect behavioural change through smarter design of environments and technologies – namely, so-called 'nudge' techniques and value sensitive design (VSD), both of which fall under the broader umbrella heading of 'moral technologies'.