Although sex addiction is a commonly accepted concept among many therapists and the media, the author of this chapter argues there are serious diagnostic and scientific challenges to its credibility or validity. This chapter reviews some of these challenges, and discusses research showing that the application of addiction language and theory to sexual behaviour problems may interfere in clinical practice and result in poor outcomes. The author argues that the concept of sex/porn addiction has negative effects on specific issues related to male sexuality, gay/bisexual males in particular, and is sensitive to sociocultural values towards sexuality.This chapter outlines ways in which readers can understand the influence of morals and subjective judgements in the concept of sex addiction. Finally, the chapter explores some of the recent empirical research, which, the author argues, challenges the underpinnings of sex addiction theory. Readers are encouraged to employ these criticisms in their treatment of individuals with sexual behaviour problems, so they may avoid what the author sees as the weaknesses and negative results of much sex addiction treatment.