This chapter reviews a number of projects in the UK that bring together academics, university students and school teachers in collaborative work on philosophical enquiry in schools. Philosophy for Children (P4C) has played a role in the education of in-service teachers for some time. Approximately two-thirds of SAPERE's work in the UK involves delivering this kind of training in primary schools, and one-third with secondary schools. P4C originated in higher education, as Matthew Lipman observed among his students a lack of engagement with learning and thinking that prompted research into how children learn: particularly the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky. In recent years, P4C has returned to higher education in the UK, where it can be found in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, initial teacher education and in the continuing professional development of school teachers and lecturers. The value of P4C to teacher educators is that it enhances their students' repertoire of skills to use in classrooms.