This chapter explains how Heather O'Leary and Simeen Tabatabai incorporated global books into their classrooms that inspired complex identity work and responses from their students. It explores the challenges of incorporating global literature into classrooms as Heather contended with broader contextual factors, such as the prominence of high-stakes testing and the pressures of being under increased scrutiny within a school designated as a "priority" school by the state due to low test scores. The chapter considers Simeen's challenges of engaging children from more affluent and less culturally diverse backgrounds with texts that did not mirror their own lived experiences and that some students initially viewed with antipathy. A popular website, "Mirrors Windows Doors", even borrows its name from Bishop's metaphors and provides resources on multicultural and global literature for children and young adults. Global literature can play vital role in inspiring broader cartographies of the imagination and supporting students in considering their roles and responsibilities as global citizens.