There are seven joint functions in military operational planning. Information was introduced as a joint function in 2017. The introduction of information as a joint function shifted the way the U.S. Department of Defense approached the operational information environment. This chapter, which draws from academia and industry, examines the journey from traditional military communication, which primarily consisted of straightforward media relations, to a robust paradigm that strategically embraces the full spectrum of public relations in an intercultural, global mindset. To support military communicators, subject matter experts at the Defense Information School (DINFOS) synthesized an interdisciplinary problem-solving model for inclusion into military communication education. Internally referenced as the Olympus Mons problem-solving model, the model is steeped in theoretical public relations, such as social exchange theory and complex adaptive systems thinking, among other concepts. The problem-solving model supports military public affairs practitioners in solving wicked problems, or complex problems that are considered difficult or near impossible to completely resolve.