For Jains, time is eternal and cyclical. There is no beginning and there will be no end. The bodies of all life forms are but physical vessels for the eternal soul or the jiva. In Jainism there is but one maxim that each soul must strive to live by: Ahimsa or non-violence. Jains strive to pass through this life leaving as little a mark as possible. For Jains, at the end of their lives, they want to leave the world with the slightest "violence footprint" possible. Jains can be found operating in the most elite circles of business, banking, politics, academia, and science. The Jain community split into two main sectarian groups: Digambaras and Svetambaras. The Jain emphasis on the primary importance of conduct in achieving spiritual liberation has led to the development of a highly rigorous code of monastic practices and a very stringent code of conduct for its laity.