This chapter discusses development and impact of women's movements in specific emerging markets. The social, economic and political empowerment of women is essential for growth in emerging markets, as is investment in developing all human capital. The emerging markets women in our study represent several cultural contexts and reveal a number of different characteristics of, for example, "a good woman". Prevailing ideologies have had a profound impact on positioning of women in Chinese society. For example, the patriarchal ideology of Confucianism, which was dominant for thousands of years until 1911, deemed women inferior to men. The Communist Revolution of 1949 brought Chinese women to a new stage of liberation as the government paid particular attention to women's issues. In the 1970s, transformation of China's economy from agriculture to manufacturing created employment opportunities for women. The various women's movements over the years served as catalysts, mobilizing Indian women to raise awareness of prevalent inequalities and promote overarching gender equality within society.