Félix Guattari’s geography traces lines of escape in both the intimate space and the global one, crossing borders without breaking them. Opening the space and making rhizomatic links in-between was his practice all the time. To reorganise the space will offer a matter of choice to everybody concerned. Schizoanalytic geography is a production of changes in the perception of territories. This was acted in building an alternative to asylum psychiatry, in studying the power apparatus organising social life and in clinic practice. In this geography latitude and longitude, hierarchical levels up and down are completed by taking care of transversality: change needs the support from intensive points in all dimensions. Guattari’s practice in La Borde Clinics, CERFI research about collective services, and schizoanalysis practice are applications of his theoretical attempt. New means of enquiry must be given to local people to escape national standardisation teams. Then experimental situations can be built, following the lines of change, what Guattari and Deleuze called “deterritorialization”, and managing new territories and new sounds called by Guattari “ritournelles”. The space for this move can be traced in schizoanalytic cartographies along four intensive dimensions: fluxes, existential territories, noncorporal universes, and machinic phylum.