This chapter provides an overview of We-Write, a system integrating teacher-led instruction and a web-based intelligent tutor for developing persuasive writing abilities and self-efficacy for writing among upper elementary school children. It presents the persuasive writing skills targeted by the We-Write system for upper elementary students. The chapter describes the use of technology in concert with the teacher to develop strong persuasive writing skills. It also presents supporting evidence on the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) -based persuasive writing approach as well as iterative design studies on We-Write. The chapter further presents information on future studies and planned extensions. The We-Write system integrates teacher-led and computer supporting modeling, practice, assessment, scaffolding, feedback, and reflection for upper elementary school children so that they may become proficient, confident, and efficacious writers. Learners develop cognitive and metacognitive skills through the six stages of SRSD modules led by the teacher and supported by the computer software.