Cockfighting is full of drama and excitement. The pit is a veritable area of action, and the spectators are loud, many with flushed faces and bathed in sweat, many cockers report that excitement is the primary things they like about the activity. Wagering one's reputation and character on outcome of one's feathered champion's performance is replete with risk and action. Gambling is always involved, only heightening the risk and excitement factor. Cockfighting provides more immediate form of resolution for the gambler than does most other forms of sport betting. Some cockpit habitues are involved in other risk-laden, deviant, or frankly criminal activities. Eventually one bird dies or is otherwise unable to continue, and the last bird to peck is adjudged the victor. If the fight continues and no bird is in the ascendant, the fight is moved to an adjoining, smaller pit, called the drag pit, where the fight can indeed drag on for some time, even hours.