The campaign 'Moi(s) sans tabac' was launched in France during 2016 by Sante Publique France. 'Moi(s) sans tabac' began in November 2016, targeting 20- to 49-year-old smokers. It is France's biggest ever anti-smoking campaign. In the UK, the campaign is built around local government funded smoking cessation services, but as these don't exist in France, different partners have had to be found. 'Moi(s) sans tabac' faces two forms of competition. First there is the tobacco industry which uses its prodigious stakeholder and consumer marketing skills to push back against any tobacco control measures. Secondly smokers themselves can respond defensively to avoid or deny the implications of anti-smoking efforts. To reduce such reactions, 'Moi(s) sans tabac' is a deliberately upbeat campaign, using a collective and engaging appeal to support smokers to quit. 'Moi(s) sans tabac' aims to get into local communities and connect with people's lives.