IDEO.org is a non-profit design organization that works to improve the lives of low-income communities around the world. The case study examines IDEO.org’s experience of using human-centered design to understand and work alongside those in the greatest need. By co-designing solutions to development challenges, they’re building problem-solving capacity and designing a path to prosperity. Design Kit, a teaching platform aimed at spreading human-centered design, assists other development actors to more effectively listen to and co-design with the constituents they seek to serve. The journey explores how IDEO.org continuously seeks input and feedback not only from constituents, but from experts as well. IDEO.org shares design solutions and gets feedback based on what people have seen works (or not) in other contexts. Just as it learns from its partners, it seeks to inspire a more human-centered approach in them. And the uptake of human-centered design amongst its partners (other non-profits, social enterprises, and foundations) is inspiring. The solutions, systems, and social innovation that arise from truly understanding and designing alongside low-income communities are the most likely to offer hope and improve lives. And for IDEO.org, if it can’t see real impact, it hasn’t done its job.