A capacity crowd of 62,056 filled San Francisco's Candlestick Park for the third game of the National League Championship Series between the Chicago Cubs and the San Francisco Giants. The series was tied at a game apiece. Manager Roger Craig's Giants were battling for their first National League flag since 1962. A fifty-two-year-old man walked slowly to the mound to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. As the author understands it, Dave even suggested to Jack Schwarz that because Dave spoke fluent Spanish and he had a Latin name, maybe Orlando could then be a dark-skinned Spaniard. From the late 1950s through the 1960s he was one of baseballs very best, the only man in the game's history to be unanimously chosen both Rookie of the Year and League MVP. His life had come full circle, from hardball on the baseball diamond to hard time in a minimum-security prison.