This chapter presents the general framework to a particular case, the instance of Matteo Ricci, or, more specifically, Trigault's address to the reader introducing the work of Ricci. Ricci and Trigault, author and translator and editor, and subsequent translators and editors, not to mention readers and scholars, have taken the route between Europe and China. The sailing of the oceans and the travel literature that came with it were part of the change in which English assimilated words from, and affected, other languages. The geography of otherness is a matter of point of view and the shifting involved in the art of moving and the space of time. Comparative literature and history are ways of seeing the limits of own views and how much others are involved in defining subjectivity and intersubjectivity. Such definition is challenging and difficult, but it is well worth the journey time and space teaches us that even as we stand still, the river moves on.